Shubham Mittal & Kumar Ashwin - Tactical OSINT for Pentesters - DEFCON Edition - DCTLV2025
Name of Training: Tactical OSINT for Pentesters - DEFCON Edition
Trainer(s): Shubham Mittal and Kumar Ashwin
Dates: August 11-12, 2025
Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PT
Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center
Cost: $2,000
Course Description:
This DEFCON Edition of our Tactical OSINT for Pentesting training program not only focuses on OSINT but also focuses on in-depth attack tactics using the information collected in the earlier phases. This course will focus on a wide range of tools and techniques for performing real-world reconnaissance in order to launch targeted attacks against modern and dynamic infrastructures.
We will take a deep dive into various modern methodologies for extracting useful information from the internet. Furthermore, we will cover how this extracted information can be used in attack scenarios to get an initial foothold in multiple ways within an organisation’s network beyond the firewall and further exploit it to gain and maintain elevated access. The course will cover topics like:
Mapping the Modern Attack Surface
Comprehensive Subdomain Enumeration
Exploring Dark Web
Hunting 3rd Party SaaS Apps
Hunting & Attacking API Endpoints
Supply Chain Enumeration & SBOM
Template Based Scanning
Attacks using Recon from Docker Image, EBS volumes, etc.
Exploring Mobile Applications for Attack Chaining
Practical Social Engineering, etc.
This 2-day course takes a hands-on approach to indulge the participants in real-world scenarios, simulated lab environments, and case studies in order to get proficient in techniques and methodologies. Each participant will also be provided ONE MONTH FREE ACCESS to our Hybrid-Cloud Based Private Lab mimicking the modern age infrastructure, as well as decoy accounts and the organization’s social presence, where they can practice the skills learned during the course.
Course Outline:
Day 1
Target Scoping and Mapping the Attack Surface
Understanding modern attack surface
Unconventional Assets existing outside of your infrastructure.
ASN ID, IP Lookups, Allocated IP Range Extraction, Domain IP History
Subdomain Enumeration
Certificate Transparency, Brute Forcing, LDNS Walking, Internet Scan Repositories
Geo-Distributed Subdomain Resolution
Domain Enumerations & TLD Scanning
WARC Files, CommonCrawl, Historical Datasets
Organization’s Social Media Profiling
Employee(s) Profiling
10 Minutes Linux Primer (curl, jq, grep, ripgrep, axel, cut, sed, awk, wc, for, sort, uniq, etc.)
Discovering Modern and Unconventional Assets
Identifying Organizations Associations
Identifying Mergers, Acquisitions and Subsidiaries
Hunting Code Repositories, Paste Sites, and Leaked Data
Establishing correlations using Certs, Copyrights, Social Links, etc.
Exploring Dark Web
Hunting Management Dashboards & API Documents
Hunting Communication Channels
Hunting 3rd Party Managed Services & Hosted Web Apps
Explore CI/CD Infra (Docker Images / Travis-CI, EBS Volumes / etc. )
Cloud Reconnaissance
Processing and Querying Mass Internet Scan Data
Art of Making Notes
Enriching OSINT Data
Generating Username/Password Patterns
Bucket/Spaces Pattern Generation
TypoSquatting Domain Pattern Generation
Tech Stack Profiling
Port Scanning (Active/Passive)
JS Discovery
Enrich and Collect info from 3rd Party Assets
ZMap Tools Suite, MasScan, MassDns, GoBuster, etc.
Extracting, Profiling and Tagging Web Applications
Capturing Screenshots of Exposed Services
Identifying SSO/Login/Admin/VPN Portal(s)/API Endpoints
Explore Breached Password Databases
Metadata Extraction
Supply Chain Enumeration & SBOM
Identifying and Prioritizing Targets (Attack Surface Prioritization)
Day 2
Attacking and Exploitation
Targeted Credential Spraying on Infrastructure Assets
Exploiting API keys / Tokens for Stealing Information from 3rd Party Apps
Exploiting API Keys / Tokens / Credentials for Infrastructure Compromise
Compromising Business Communication Infrastructure (BCI)
Attacking Network Services using collated data
Attacking Web Applications using Parameter mining
Template Based Scanning
Broken Link Hijacking
Attacking discovered API endpoints
Looting credentials from JS Files
Exploitation using discovered source code
Attacking Historic Endpoints / URLs
Attacking Modern Stack
Compromising Cloud Server Instances
Stealing information from Buckets/Blobs
Cloud Storage Object Hijacking
Attacks using recon from Docker Image, EBS volumes, etc.
Exploiting Project Management / Tracking / Ticketing / Inventory Systems
Exploring Mobile Applications for Attack Chaining
Attacking Supply Chain (Dependency Confusion Attack)
Looting PII from 3rd party apps / Cloud Objects
Looting Business Intelligence from exposed dashboards
Discovering and Exploiting Hidden Injection Points
Exploring Human Attack Surface
Practical Social Engineering
User Profiling
Watering Hole Attack
Spear Phishing and Targeted Client-Side Exploitation
Dropping Payloads using BCI
Conclusion and Case Studies
Analysis and Case Studies
Top Organizations on GitHub Vulnerable to Dependency Confusion Attack
Millions of Secrets Exposed via Web Application Frontends
Secrets Exposed in Android Apps
Analysing Misconfigured Firebase Apps on scale
Takeaway Summary
25+ lab exercises are included in this 2 day course.
Difficulty Level:
Suggested Prerequisites:
Basic understanding of Pentesting and OSINT
What Students Should Bring:
A laptop with admin access to it.
4 GB of Free RAM is required.
It should have an SSH Client and should support Wifi Connection in order to reach the Internet.
Any OS is fine (Windows/Mac/Linux).
Each student will have their own pre-configured cloud machine, all they need to do is SSH into the machine.
Please avoid Chromebooks..
Trainer(s) Bio:
Shubham Mittal is the CEO of RedHunt Labs, a leading 360-degree Attack Surface Management platform. Previously, he served as the CTO of Neotas and co-founded Recon Village, an OSINT-focused mini-conference at DEFCON. He is a review board member at BlackHat Asia, BlackHat Europe, RootConf, and Pycon India (Information Security Track).
He has trained and presented to various government organizations, and security firms, and at notable conferences such as Black Hat, DEFCON, HackMiami, Nullcon, and various government orgs. Shubham has a strong foothold in OSINT, Recon, Cybersecurity, and Product Engineering. His expertise covers Offensive and Defensive security, Open Source Intelligence, and Perimeter Security. Actively involved in the Null-Open Security Community, Shubham prefers working from the command line and using the vi editor.
Kumar Ashwin is a Security Researcher at RedHunt Labs with a strong background in offensive and defensive security, Ashwin specializes in OSINT, web, cloud, and software supply chain security, bringing a unique perspective to tackling modern security challenges.
Ashwin has delivered presentations and conducted training sessions for security professionals at renowned conferences like x33fcon, BSides, and c0c0n. He has also actively contributed to security communities such as null - The Open Security Community, Winja, and DEFCON Cloud Village, creating CTF challenges and sharing insights through different engagements.
Ashwin's expertise encompasses security engineering, offensive and defensive security where his practical experience and innovative approaches have been pivotal in assisting organizations in strengthening their security posture and safeguarding their digital assets.
Registration Terms and Conditions:
Trainings are refundable before July 8, 2025, minus a non-refundable processing fee of $250.
Trainings are non-refundable after July 8, 2025.
Training tickets may be transferred. Please email us at training@defcon.org for specifics.
If a training does not reach the minimum registration requirement, it may be cancelled. In the event the training you choose is cancelled, you will be provided the option of receiving a full refund or transferring to another training (subject to availability).
Failure to attend the training without prior written notification, will be considered a no-show. No refund will be given.
By purchasing this ticket you agree to abide by the DEF CON Training Code of Conduct and the registration terms and conditions listed above.
Several breaks will be included throughout the day. Please note that food is not included.