Monnappa K A - A Complete Practical Approach to Malware Analysis & Threat Hunting Using Memory Forensics - DCTLV2025
Name of Training: A Complete Practical Approach to Malware Analysis & Threat Hunting Using Memory Forensics
Trainer(s): Monnappa K A and Sajan Shetty
Dates: August 11-12, 2025
Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PT
Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center
Cost: $2,200
Course Description:
This 2-day hands-on training teaches the concepts, tools, and techniques to analyze, investigate, and hunt malware by combining two powerful techniques: malware analysis and memory forensics. This course will introduce attendees to the basics of malware analysis, reverse engineering, Windows internals, and memory forensics. Then it gradually progresses into more advanced concepts of malware analysis & memory forensics. Attendees will learn to perform static, dynamic, code, and memory analysis. To keep the training completely practical, it consists of various scenario-based hands-on labs after each module which involves analyzing real-world malware samples and investigating malware-infected memory images (crimewares, APT malwares, Fileless malwares, Rootkits, etc.). This hands-on training is designed to help attendees gain a better understanding of the subject in a short period. Throughout the course, the attendees will learn the latest techniques used by adversaries to compromise and persist on the system. In addition, it also covers various code injection, hooking, and rootkit techniques used by adversaries to bypass forensic tools and security products. In this training, you will also understand how to integrate malware analysis and memory forensics techniques into a custom sandbox to automate malware analysis. After taking this course, attendees will be better equipped with the skills to analyze, investigate, hunt, and respond to malware-related incidents.
Whether you are a beginner interested in learning malware analysis, threat hunting, and memory forensics from scratch or an experienced professional who would like to enhance your existing skills to perform a forensic investigation to respond to an incident or for fun, this training will help you accomplish your goals.
Attendees should walk away with the following skills:
How malware and Windows internals work
How to create a safe and isolated lab environment for malware analysis
Tools and techniques to perform malware analysis
How to perform static analysis to determine the metadata associated with malware
How to perform dynamic analysis of the malware to determine its interaction with process, file system, registry, and network
How to perform code analysis to determine the malware functionality
How to debug malware using tools like IDA Pro and x64dbg
How to analyze downloaders, droppers, keyloggers, fileless malwares, HTTP backdoors, etc.
Understanding various persistence techniques used by the attackers
Understanding different code injection techniques used to bypass security products
What is Memory Forensics and its use in malware and digital investigation
Ability to acquire a memory image from suspect/infected systems
How to use open source advanced memory forensics framework (Volatility)
Understanding of the techniques used by the malwares to hide from Live forensic tools
Understanding of the techniques used by Rootkits(code injection, hooking, etc.)
Investigative steps for detecting stealth and advanced malware
How memory forensics helps in malware analysis and reverse engineering
How to incorporate malware analysis and memory forensics in the sandbox
How to determine the network and host-based indicators (IOC)
Techniques to hunt malware
Note: Students will be provided with real-world malware samples, malware-infected memory images, course material, lab solution manual, video demos, custom scripts, and a Linux VM.
Course Outline:
Day 1:
Introduction to Malware Analysis
Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis/Behavioural analysis
Automating Malware Analysis (sandbox)
Code Analysis
Introduction to Memory Forensics
Volatility Overview
Day 2:
Investigating Process
Investigating Process handles & Registry
Investigating Network Activities
Investigation Process Memory
Investigating User-Mode Rootkits & Fileless Malwares
Memory Forensics in Sandbox technology
Investigating Kernel-Mode Rootkits
Memory Forensic Case Studies
Difficulty Level:
This course starts with basics and then gradually progresses deep into more advanced concepts, so this course is suitable for both Beginners and Intermediate students.
Suggested Prerequisites:
- Students should be familiar with using Windows/Linux
- Students should have an understanding of basic programming concepts, while programming experience is not mandatory.
What Students Should Bring:
Laptop with a minimum of 6GB RAM and 40GB free hard disk space
Laptop with USB ports - lab samples and custom Linux VM will be shared via USB sticks
VMware Workstation or VMware Fusion (even trial versions can be used)
Windows Operating system (preferably 64-bit versions of Windows 11 or Windows 10) installed inside the VMware Workstation/Fusion. Students must have full administrator access to the Windows operating system installed inside the VMware Workstation/Fusion
Registered students will be provided with a laptop setup guide containing step-by-step instructions and the required software. This will be provided 15 days before the training
Note: VMware Player or VirtualBox is not suitable for this training. Apple systems using the M1, M2, or M3 processor line cannot perform the necessary virtualization functionality; therefore, they are not suitable for this course.
Students will be provided with:
Course material (pdf copy)
Lab solution material
Videos used in the course
Malware samples used in the course/labs
Memory Images used in the course/labs
Linux VM (to be opened with VMware Workstation/Fusion) containing necessary tools and samples
Custom Scripts
Trainer(s) Bio:
Monnappa K A is a Security professional with over 17 years of experience in incident response and investigation. He previously worked for Microsoft & Cisco as a threat hunter, mainly focusing on threat hunting, investigation, and research of advanced cyber attacks. He is the author of the best-selling book "Learning Malware Analysis." He is a review board member for Black Hat Asia, Black Hat USA, and Black Hat Europe. He is the creator of the Limon Linux sandbox and the winner of the Volatility Plugin Contest 2016. He co-founded the cybersecurity research community "Cysinfo" (https://www.cysinfo.com). He has conducted training sessions on malware analysis, reverse engineering, and memory forensics at Black Hat Asia, Black Hat USA, Black Hat Europe, Black Hat SecTor, Black Hat Middle East, Black Hat Spring, BruCON, HITB, FIRST, SEC-T, OPCDE, and 4SICS-SCADA/ICS cybersecurity summit. He has presented at various security conferences, including Black Hat, FIRST, SEC-T, 4SICS-SCADA/ICS summit, DSCI, National Cyber Defence Summit, and Cysinfo meetings on various topics related to memory forensics, malware analysis, reverse engineering, and rootkit analysis. He has also authored various articles in eForensics and Hakin9 magazines. You can find some of his contributions to the community on his YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/c/MonnappaKA), and you can read his blog posts at https://cysinfo.com
Twitter: @monnappa22
Sajan Shetty is a Cyber Security enthusiast. He is an active member of Cysinfo, an open Cyber Security Community (https://www.cysinfo.com) committed to educating, empowering, inspiring, and equipping cybersecurity professionals and students to better fight and defend against cyber threats. He has conducted training sessions at Black Hat Asia, Black Hat USA, Black Hat Europe, Black Hat SecTor, Black Hat Middle East, Black Hat Spring, BruCON, HITB, and his primary fields of interest include machine learning, malware analysis, and memory forensics. He has various certifications in machine learning and is passionate about applying machine learning techniques to solve cybersecurity problems.
Registration Terms and Conditions:
Trainings are refundable before July 8, 2025, the processing fee is $250.
Trainings are non-refundable after July 8, 2025.
Training tickets may be transferred. Please email us at training@defcon.org for specifics.
Failure to attend the Training without prior written notification, will be considered a No-Show. No refund will be given.
By purchasing this ticket you agree to abide by the DCT Code of Conduct and the registration terms and conditions listed above.